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Project Ti-3

Trauma-Informed Early Intervention, Early Childhood Special Education and School Social Work:
A partnership between the University of Illinois School of Social Work and the College of Education

About the program

The Trauma-Informed Scholars Program offers specialized interdisciplinary training in supporting the social-emotional development of young children and using trauma-informed supports to provide evidence-based services to children (birth through five) with delays or disabilities and their families. School Social Workers, Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education Teachers work together to meet the demand of providing services for children with highly intensive needs. Scholars will be awarded a $5,000 per year scholarship stipend during 2-year MSW program for $10,000 total.

Student Benefits:

  • Opportunity to gain expertise in interdisciplinary collaboration between early intervention, early childhood special education, and school social work
  • Learn best practices for responding to youth who have experienced trauma
  • Train and work with interdisciplinary teams throughout the program
  • Learn how to intervene and provide trauma-informed supports within natural environments for children with disabilities in-home, center-based, and community
  • Certificate in Trauma-Informed Early Intervention, Early Childhood Special Education and School Social Work

Student Eligibility

  • Acceptance into MSW program with a focus in School Social Work, maintain good standing
  • Take PTI-3 courses, participate in interdisciplinary training opportunities on trauma-informed evidence-based practices
  • Successfully interview and secure a match with an Early Childhood School Social Work TI-3 approved site for a 2-semester school internship
  • Have a passion for working with young children with delays or disabilities and their families


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