(217) 300-5599 sjohanss@illinois.eduPATH
100 Trade Center Drive
Champaign, IL 61820
Suite 303
Stephanie Johansson
Field Specialist

(217) 300-5599 sjohanss@illinois.eduPATH
100 Trade Center Drive
Champaign, IL 61820
Suite 303
Stephanie Johansson is a Field Specialist with the Provider Assistance and Training Hub (PATH), and is responsible for providing training and field support related to the IM+CANS, IM-CAT & Crisis Safety Planning, Treatment Planning, Therapeutic Mentoring, and other curricula relevant to assisting providers in obtaining skills necessary to help individuals make meaningful lifestyle changes.
Stephanie has a master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in the state of Illinois. Prior to her role as a Field Specialist with PATH, Stephanie provided dyadic and family therapy in community-based mental health settings, utilizing trauma-focused interventions including Theraplay, EMDR, child-parent psychotherapy, and TF-CBT. She has created and delivered both agency- and community-based trainings on trauma, intimate partner violence, childhood exposure to violence, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and the ARC model. Most recently, Stephanie has provided individual, couples, and family therapy to folks of all ages in private clinical practice. She also has more than a decade of experience in administrative roles, leadership and management, and training provision in a variety of settings.