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Alexis Krones

Project Director


School of Social Work

1010 W Nevada Street

Urbana, IL 61820

Office 2070


Current job duties: As the project director for the Children & Family Research Center I oversee the training and work of several BA and MSW level research assistants, coordinate with faculty principal investigators, IL DCFS officials, and leaders at a large state-wide service provider organization. I manage IRB submissions, advisory board meetings, and monitor and identify data and implementation challenges, among other duties.

Educational Background: I graduated with my BSW from the UIUC School of Social Work in 2022 and again with my MSW with a concentration in school social work in 2024.

During my time in both the BSW and MSW programs, I worked as a research assistant on several research projects, these topics include:
-teen dating violence prevention
-school climate for gender-diverse youth
-school bullying and dating violence policies
-postsecondary education for youth aging out of foster care
After receiving my MSW, I worked as an academic hourly wherein I conducted research on racial biases in perceptions of juvenile sexual offenders and jail removal in the state of Illinois.

My current research interests focus on both the correlation and provider perceptions of poverty and neglect