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Lisa Wilson

LCPC, CODP I, IM+CANS Coaching Specialist

Lisa standing outdoors near trees


(217) 300-0043


100 Trade Centre Drive

Champaign, IL 61820

Suite 303


Lisa Wilson, Field Specialist, BH Provider Assistance and Training Hub (PATH); is responsible for providing training and field support pertaining to IM+CANS, IM-CAT & Crisis Safety Planning, Treatment Planning, and other curriculum relevant to assisting providers obtain skills necessary to help individuals make meaningful lifestyle changes. Lisa holds a master’s in counseling and is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LCPC) and a Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorder Professional (CODP I). Prior to her role as Field Specialist with the University of Illinois Champaign/Urbana School of Social Work, Lisa has headed a private clinical practice and served as a Regional Training Manager for The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services.