Nicole Eschenbach
Crisis Services Coordinator

Nicole Eschenbach is a Field Specialist for the Provider Assistance and Training Hub at the University of Illinois School of Social Work. Nicole provides training and field support for IM+CANS, IM-CAT & Crisis Safety Planning, Treatment Planning, and other curriculums to support providers in obtaining the necessary skills to help individuals make meaningful lifestyle changes. Nicole holds a master’s degree in Social Work from Aurora University and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). Prior to her role as a Field Specialist, Nicole managed a team of Crisis Specialists who provided Screening, Assessment, and Support Services (SASS) and Mobile Crisis Response (MCR) services to clients and their families during a mental health emergency. During her time at a Community Mental Health Center, she was also a SASS Crisis Worker, SASS Therapist, and a school-based therapist/Wraparound Facilitator providing services to clients and their families in 2 of the largest school districts in Illinois. In addition to her role with the PATH team, Nicole sees a small caseload of clients in the private practice setting.