(217) 300-7957 sploum@illinois.eduPATH
100 Trade Centre Drive
Champaign, IL 61820
Suite 303
Steve Ploum
IM+CANS Coaching Specialist

(217) 300-7957 sploum@illinois.eduPATH
100 Trade Centre Drive
Champaign, IL 61820
Suite 303
Steve Ploum, Field Specialist, BH Provider Assistance and Training Hub (PATH); providing training and field support pertaining to IM+CANS, IM-CAT & Crisis Safety Planning, Treatment Planning, and other curriculum relevant to assisting providers obtain skills necessary to help individuals make meaningful lifestyle changes. Steve has a BS in Education from Northern Illinois University where he also minored in psychology. He holds a MA in art therapy and counseling, is a Registered Art Therapist (ATR), and a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LCPC). He’s level II trained in EMDR and is trained in trauma-focused CBT and clinical anger management.
Prior to his role as Field Specialist with University of Illinois Champaign/Urbana. Steve has worked in social services for 30 years ranging from direct service provider, supervisor and administrator. He founded a teen arts and leadership non-profit, has taught undergraduates and graduate college courses, and has headed a private clinical practice for 15 years.