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Yuerong Liu

Research Specialist


(917) 455-9254

100 Trade Centre Drive

Champaign, IL 61820

Suite 304


Dr. Yuerong Liu received her Ph.D. in Social Work from New York University and completed postdoctoral training at Duke University Center for Child and Family Policy. Her research focuses broadly on child maltreatment prevention, parenting, health care utilization, and the well-being of children and families involved with the child welfare system. She has led and participated in multiple research projects that investigate the longitudinal outcomes of child maltreatment in the social services and healthcare settings; racial/ethnic disparities in the child welfare system; parental perspectives regarding child neglect; and the evaluation of the Family Centered Treatment (FCT) program. Her research relies heavily on quantitative data analyses using state- and county-level administrative data as well as large-scale national datasets.

Yuerong currently works on multiple evaluation projects, including the Program Evaluation of Child Protection Training Academy for New DCFS Investigators, the Illinois Children Healthcare Foundation’s Children’s Mental Health Initiative 2.0, and the Bias-Free Removal Program Evaluation.

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