Social Work Research Office
The Research Office works closely with the Dean, the Business Office, and research relevant university offices to support all levels of faculty research at the School of Social Work. We seek to maintain a culture of rigorous, collaborative, and interprofessional research that is innovative and has real world impact. We accomplish this through high quality lectures, trainings, social events, dissemination of research findings and opportunities, and sharing of resources.
Services and Request Forms:
Click the boxes below to expand each topic:
Proposal Notification: Let us know when you think you may be submitting a grant proposal
External Proposal Pre-Review by Expert: We will have an expert review your grant prior to submission
Faculty pilot research funding: You can request up to $10,000 of rapid pilot funding
Open Access Publication Fee Form
Publication fee support: You can request support for open access publication fees
Manuscript Mentoring and Targeted Feedback Form
Pre-review for competitive journal submissions: We can have an expert review your manuscript prior to submission
Basic Editorial Services
Statistical Support Request: We can have a statistician review or run your analysis
Statistical Support Request: We can have a statistician review or run your analysis
News and Announcement: We will help promote your publications and grants.
Campus Resources:
Explore resources designed to support and enhance your research endeavors at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign:
Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) is a service unit under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation, supporting the research enterprise throughout the entire lifecycle of an externally sponsored project, from proposal submission to award closeout.
The Office for Protection of Research Subjects has launched IRBOnline, an electronic IRB submission system. IRBOnline is now available for all new study, non human subject research and facilitated review applications.
The Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library (SSHEL) provides consistent, high quality research and instructional services to faculty, staff, and students